Thursday, October 14, 2010

My guardian angel

These few days, I wasn't doing well in my life. I came across lots of circumstances that required me to make my own decisions alone. I don't know who to turn to share my problems with. I reached a level where I desperately need someone to be by my side, to listen to me and at the same time, being there for me whenever possible. Where were you when I needed you most, dear Lord? I questioned. For countless time, I kept asking God in my prayers, wishing that He will grant my wishes. But God said to me, "Hang in there, Michelle." Alright Lord, I whispered in my heart. And Lord made me thought of her, a dear sister of mine attending the same church as me. I decided to call her. Just discharged from the hospital, she was as energetic as any athletic who does good sport, and we spoke through the phone, with my eyes welled up with tears. She prayed for me towards the end of our conversation. That was when I see hope, a hope that lasts.

After we hung up, I sat at one corner of my bed, and reflected back on what she had told me. Then as I tilted my head, I saw the bible. Without much hesitation, I grabbed the bible and came across the book of Colossians. My eyes were set on Col 3:18-19; "Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them." I was like, wow! Why did God show me this passage? What was He trying to tell me? I was stunned for a moment before I realized something. All that He ever wanted from me is my faithfulness to Him just as how He has always been faithful to me! God, pardon me! :')

I received this inspiring message from sis. Marianne whom I spoke to on the phone. Her message touched me so deeply that I couldn't hold my tears. It was like raindrops showering over the earth. I was truly glad that I shared with her what I had been through and I thanked God for her, for being there for me during the lowest peak of my life. This is what she wrote to me:

Dear Michelle,

Thank you so much for being brave enough to share the dilemma that you are facing with me. I know that making hard decisions like this can be really painful, especially for you.
And dear Michelle, it's really godly of you to want to do the right thing that pleases our Lord.
Life as a Christian isn't easy. Choosing what pleases God above all our desires, all that we love and treasure and hold dear is indeed difficult. It's really a struggle sometimes.
But let me assure you, dear,dear sis, that God's will is always the best for us, even when it hurts. And when we don't understand why circumstances are the way that they are, there is one truth in the Bible that we can hold on to that God causes ALL things to work together for the good of those who love him, who are called according to his purpose- that he may conform us, changing us to become more and more like His Son, Jesus (Romans 8:28-29)! So, even through the good times and the hard times, through joys and sorrows, through difficult and easy decisions, we can trust that God is using ALL circumstances to mold us and change us, so that we may grow in Christ-likeness. And nothing can separate us from His great love!

I do hope to meet with you on Sat, dear sis. I will confirm this with you via sms by tomorrow. As for now, I will keep you in prayer. I know you are anxious, but I will pray that God will enable you to cast your anxieties upon him, for He does indeed care very much for you, dear sis (1 Peter 5:7).

There's this lovely song that I've often listen to whenever I am going through difficulties, and I hope that the words of this song will comfort you as well...;

Much love in Christ,
October 15, 2010 at 1:07pm

Sis Marianne, thank you. :') Your words are so inspiring and powerful. I felt so much at ease now as God opened up my mind to think things through. He sent you to be my listening ears and now, I feel so happy to have you not only as someone dear to me, but someone who can be my guardian angel. You are my guardian angel! I heart you, till the very end...


  1. hi michelle, every circumstances and challenges especially when come forward in making decision is the way for us to grown up. I know its hard but He will always listen to us patiently wherever and whenever. We share our truly words from prayer and He will show His mighty love. Be strong michelle. May Him blessed u n Marianne in the pink of health =)

  2. Thanks for your encouragement, my friend. Those words are not only comforting, but assuring me that God never forsake us whenever we are faced with difficulties. His love is so great and I'm amazed by the fact that both Marianne and I are binded together because of His love. I will keep pressing on no matter what happens. May God bless you abundantly with His love, joy and peace! Michael, you rocks! =)
